The best way to attract customers in a competitive world

Caria Watt
4 min readMay 31, 2020
by Caria Watt, Digital Director

Attract the Right Type of Customer

Knowing the best ways to attract the right type of online customer in an increasingly flooded digital landscape can be tricky. Every brand is trying to stand out and be different — in exactly the same way, especially when it comes to content.

On the one hand, it’s easier than ever to publish blogs, v-blogs, podcasts, articles, or videos; and the flip-side everyone is publishing content that’s all reading the same.

More importantly potential customers have BS detectors that are super alert. They can tell an imposter a kilometre away. What’s more, your potential strategic business-to-business (B2B) partners are infinitely connected to information about your brand, thanks to it’s digital footprint and your competitors, which makes them even more discerning.




The best ways to attract customers to your business in a competitive world

There are so many theories out there about the best ways to entice customers to your website. Below I’ve listed some that have helped me and my clients.

1) Find Your Unique Selling Point

Business success and wealth creation begins by first answering, and then living up to, a couple of deceptively simple questions:

Why should customers favour you over everyone else in your niche or industry?

What makes you unique in the eyes of your customers?

2) You’re NOT Selling your services or business over the long term

Most business owners love what they’re selling, but aren’t thinking five steps ahead. Instead they are selling solutions that everyone in the same market or niche is offering.

If you want an unfair advantage and the ability to charge the highest prices, while attracting more affluent customers, you have to start asking yourself:

“How can I sell my services and products in a way, that elicits the primary emotion my target market wants to feel or avoid?

3) Your Experience or Selling High Quality Products DOESN’T Attract Customers

Another misconception that you have to have the best products, or are the best service provider in your niche. In reality it’s about 10–20% of the success equation.

Your customers want more value, a solid product, and excellent customer services. Ask yourself:

‘What is it that attract customers to me?”

It begins with effective MARKETING and SALES. Once you find your Unique Selling Proposition, you will begin to target and hone-in a specific audience with your messaging and in your lead advertising. That’s when you have the right kind of customers ready to buy from you.

If this sounds like a lot of work (which it is) and you want to learn how to do this and you don’t know where to start, join my Insights newsletter where I share the latest trends, best practices and digital solutions every month.

Most brands publish content that’s is good, but it’s not great. Why? Because it’s content that is published countless number of times, without thinking about if there is a real value for their actual customers.

Also most content is directed to everyone, which means it’s not that great for you or their niche audience. Business owners need to make sure they do their research or hire a professional writer to produce compelling content that gets read.

These potential pitfalls mean there are countless opportunities to build your audience, through targeted content that will keep them coming back for more. In this four part series I can show you the way, with tools you need to differentiate your brand with sizzling content marketing.

What’s Coming

To help guide you further, read the following blogs:

#1 How to Make writing your Secret Weapon

Most content is dull. Differentiate your content with razor-sharp mechanics.

#2 Let’s Expand and Get Super Close to Your Audience

Move away from the wrong audience to get super close to the right customer.

#3 Win Every time with Digital Media

Millions of opportunities await for you if you’re bold with your digital media.

#4 Leverage the Best out of your Customers

Rethink your customers’ lifestyles or how your best asset may leave you behind. Leverage what works and push past the competition.

Create and distribute valuable, and relevant content to attract the right audience, and drive profitable customer action. When you want to create a digital engagement strategy get in touch to make a plan to help your business grow the right way.

Image courtesy @Unsplash

Originally published at on May 31, 2020.



Caria Watt

A Digital Strategist, Web Designer, TV & Podcast host. Featured on AuscastNetwork, @goodmenproject, The Dating Directory Co and